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Guess Who's Back

Spotting and photographing a Jay was very high on my to do list when I started wildlife photography. My local nature reserve soon became a favourite haunt as it was very much a hot spot for them and the feeder set up meant they could easily be snapped stuffing their beaks with peanuts.

They were regular visitors during the winter months until this year when they hadn't been seen in the feeding area at all and people were beginning to ask where they were? We've had a very mild winter this year so it looks like they've been finding enough to eat or their stashes of peanuts and acorns hidden away for leaner times were seeing them through.

This weekend though they were very obvious by their noise and at one point on Saturday four flew over my head together but resolutely refused to drop in to the feeders. Sunday was a a different story though as two decided that this was the day to fill up on some redskins. A pleasure to see them and reassuring to know they hadn't disappeared but had just decided to make us wait. Absence makes the heart grow fonder so they say!!

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