Boxing Day Bonanza
With every tree stripped bare down the road it was unlikely that I was going to see any waxwings on my doorstep, however a brief chat with a friend from the nature reserve sent me off in the right direction.
I'd been in this vicinity looking before and not seen any but today I hit lucky. The first birds I spotted were a couple of redwings but then a high pitched chirruping started up and suddenly they descended.

They didn't stay long so I wandered around the corner to see if I could see where they'd gone and noticed a tree with around 100 birds perched high in the branches. Every so often a flock would break away and fly behind some nearby houses so off I set again and found the trees they were stripping bare.

Absolutely stunning birds with an array of colours and very approachable hardly disturbed by my presence or the home owner who was busy gardening just feet away from them. Backwards and forwards they would fly gorging themselves on the berries. I counted forty in the tree with even more waiting their turn in the trees opposite.

A very special Christmas present, because as soon as these trees are stripped bare they'll be off.